16 Personalities Whole Brain Thinking, Secrets to achieve Self Mastery

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16 Personalities

 Photo Credit to 16 Personalities

Understanding about 16 Personalities, Whole Brain Thinking, and Self Mastery.


We will discuss further 16 Personalities Whole Brain Thinking and Self Mastery. Why is it important that you know which of 16 personalities is your personality, how does affects your way of thinking? How it will change your Decision Making in life?

In our last article about Travel, we mentioned that Traveling is also based on your personality type Since the Tourists spots offer their uniqueness and are they compatible with your personality?

If not, most likely you will not appreciate the location. You haven’t read this article? Take me there now.

Besides, to have a much deeper understanding of the topic we will cross-reference using the Whole Brain Thinking Model also known as the HBDI model which was developed by William Edward “Ned” Herrmann

The two Measure Tools developed by Myers-Briggs (16 personality types) and Herrmann (HBDI Model) are co-related to each other.

These measurement tools are being used in many institutions and even in Business Organizations to assess completely the capabilities of their employees so that they can assign the tasks that are the perfect fit for their personalities to boost productivity and results. With that being said, Let’s dive right in!

Want to know your personality type? Take your test now.

You can download the App HBDI® at Google Play Store to take your assessment now


Mulder, P. (2019). Herrmann Whole Brain Model. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from toolshero: 


16 Personality


16 Personalities Vs HBDI Assessment

As mentioned above 16 Personality types and HBDI are co-related. These two measure tools are Key when it comes to decision making, understanding, and problem-solving. 

Still, the question applies “Why is this important?”. Knowing these things will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Many people do not understand why they excel in this activity but flanks on a different task. Because most likely that person’s weakness is contradicting his/her personality. To further elaborate, We will use the two tools in this situation example below. 

For example: 

Scenario 1 (using 16 personality types assessment)

John loves to get along with his friends, he usually advises friends who have problems, he is like a counsel according to his peers. He wanted to be a civil engineer, he is good at drawing figures and he is very artistic.

However, he struggles when it comes to practical activities that require being keen on details and repetitive cycles of tasks. Should he consider still become an engineer or maybe a different course is perfect for him? 

He used the two measure tools to help him understand his strength and his weaknesses. Based on the 16 personality type assessment, John is a Campaigner (ENFP), which means he has Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting personality traits.

As defined, a Campaigner is a type of person who loves to be with others and loves to make big ideas that will help other people. 

Scenario 2 (using the HBDI assessment)

The same story-Different assessment tool, By using the HBDI assessment. John turned out to be a right-brain dominant thinker because the test shows that he excels most in C Quadrant (Relational) and D Quadrant (Experimental). 

Now, let’s discuss what happened. John turned out to be a natural right-brain dominant user, which fully explains why he loves to interact with other people and is creative when it comes to ideas.

Thoughts about the example

Why is he struggling when it comes to being keen on details and numbers if he is artistic? Is it relevant to him being a right-brain dominant user? 

The answer is Yes, It is relevant. During the time that I am still part of my previous organization, I am lucky to be one of the participants in a workshop about “Whole Brain Thinking and Self Mastery Workshop” and our speaker/Trainer is Dr. Cecilia Manikan, The writer of “Becoming a Great Teacher” and one of the Management Guru of Ateneo De Manila University.

She gave us an example similar to the scenario above. And just like you, We asked her why did that happen and what is the reason behind that struggle, And She answered. 

If you are a natural Right Brain dominant user, and you are given a Left Brain dominant user tasks. Most likely you will be stressed and will struggle to do that specific activity or job. Because it contradicts the functions or traits of the quadrants of your brain that you are using. Which if you manage to train yourself and able to access the other quadrants opposing your natural quadrants that is ‘Self Mastery.

Realization after my workshop with Bayan Academy

That is the time that I truly understand the importance of knowing all of these, I am lucky enough to be part of that workshop. Which I will share the small bits of it. So that you can also understand the importance of it and how it will change your way of thinking, and decision making.

By doing so, it can help you when doing your daily activities as well, because it will be a guide to you to know what aspects of your life you can excel the most. To define the 16 Personality Types and 4 Quadrants types, check out the next section.


Figure 1.

16 Personalities

16 Personalities

16 Personalities
16 Personalities
16 Personalities

16 Personalities Table, Reference: 


Figure 2. 

HBDI Assessment

Photo Courtesy to https://makingbusinessmatter.medium.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-hbdi-75a85cbd243d

As you can see in Figure 2, Left and Right dominant user traits contradict each other. According to Dr. Manikan, It is a natural thing because the traits of left and right oppose each other’s traits.

Which results in our struggle and get stressed if we do something that opposes our nature. Because the quadrant of the brain that is required on that specific task is contradicting to our current used quadrant. 

But know this, it doesn’t mean that the right dominant user is forever and can use only the right quadrants. You can train yourself and improve so that you will be able to use at least 1 quadrant of your opposing quadrants.

For example, If you are a right-side dominant user mainly quadrant C and D, You can practice your self to tap quadrant A and quadrant B. And that is the “Whole-brain Thinking”. 

It means that you can use any quadrants of your brain depends on what situation requires which of the 4. That is self-mastery and will take years before you can do achieve it. But it is not impossible.


Now that we have a better understanding of the 16 personality types and 4 quadrant types, Used this as your guide on daily activities. Just to share with you the result of my assessment during the time we are having this workshop. 

I am an Advocate (INFJ-A, INFJ-T), this is the rarest personality with just only 2% of the population in the whole world who have this type of personality based on their research.

Here are some known people who have the personality just like mine. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Morgan Freeman, Cate Blanchett, Mother Teresa.

We have a strong feeling that most of the time we base our decision on that feeling. Hence, if we feel that people might get hurt by what we were supposed to do, we will not do it.

We prioritize other people first before ourselves. And we have a strong intuition that sometimes people find it creepy because most of our “hunchs” is true. 😅

How did it help me?

Knowing this, really changed my way of thinking and how I perceive things. Now that I understand why I always get to discuss people who are dishonest and not fair. Why I always stand for truth, every time I see an injustice. 

When it comes to the 4 quadrants, I am a right-brain dominant user, I excel in Quadrant C and D. Hence, I love to formulate ideas and concepts.

I love to get along with people and inspire them. However, I struggle on tasks that require being keen on details like architecture or sometimes even in data gathering.

My struggle

But, Since I was being mentored by our Executive Director at that time who is very strict and keen on details, It was very stressful for me at that time because I am a right quadrant user. 

But thanks to his mentorship, I was able to tap a bit of my Quadrant B, but not entirely. This proves that we can actually tap other quadrants even it opposes our natural dominant used side of the brain in just a matter of training and proper discipline.

Just a note, It doesn’t mean that if you are a Right brain dominant user you cannot use the left quadrants. You can actually use it by a matter of training. As a matter of fact, all of us are trained to use our left quadrant traits.

We are born with creative skills

Because during the time we were kids we are trained to do assignments and come to school on time. Those are examples of Left brain dominant traits. Being precise and accurate on details and metrics. 

However, the downside of that we are losing our emotion and community-building traits because it becomes dormant. If you notice that most people who are very good with numbers and precise on details are the ones who struggle with their emotional connection to people. Because it contradicts the quadrant of their brain that they are using dominantly.

Purpose of this article

That is why I decided to make this article for you because I know that it will help you like how it did help me. And it will guide you towards your decisions in life to improve and practice the “Whole-brain thinking and Self Mastery” so that you will able to handle different situations in your life. 

And that concludes our topic if you like this topic please feel free to share it with your friends so that they too can have the opportunity to explore their personalities.

If you have some thoughts about this article, feel free to drop your comment in the comment section. We would love to hear your comments about our work. Take care! and Thank you!

If you want to know more about the “Whole-brain thinking and self-mastery workshop“, You can contact Bayan Academy. They are the only ones who are conducting these specialized workshops for Companies. You can reach them out here

You can also follow the best trainer I’ve ever seen Dr. Manikan on her Facebook. She is one of the founders of this study in the Philippines. I have so much respect for her credibility. You will definitely learn a lot from her teachings.

“By understanding yourself you can learn to understand and value others” – Ned Herrmann

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Carlo David
Author: Carlo David

KG Collections is an online store on Facebook, Established on April 15, 2020. Primarily, We started selling Pre-loved goods which eventually expanded to sell brand new apparel through reselling.Now, KG Collections is a franchisee of Siomai King, Mangbok's, And other food products. We are also a franchisee and operator of the newest delivery platform called TokTok PH.Aside from franchise and reselling business. KG Collections also participates in multiple affiliate marketing programs, content creation, and online course teaching.KG Collections is managed directly by the owners Kathlene Garcia & Carlo David, the couple's goal is to build a business community for small business owners where they can attain new knowledge and be inspired with their businesses.The organization will also launch its online course programs to help the public learn new things, which the courses will be prepared by professionals who have excellent skillsets to share and teach the enrollees.-KG Collections

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