Paradigm Shift: Change the course of your life



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Change the course of your life, Shift your Paradigm are early as now

paradigm shift



What is Paradigm Shift? It is a change in the way you think, how you perceive things, and applying them to your life. A radical change in ideas and behavior.


Why is this important? Because most of the successful people went through a “Paradigm Shift“. And if you read our article about the Inspiring Movies. Those characters whether in real life or fictional are the examples that experienced their Paradigm Shift.


In this article, we will discuss an In-depth realization about Paradigm Shift, how it works, and how will it improve your life. That being said, let’s dive right on it! 


When does “Paradigm Shift” occur?


How would you know if you are going through a Paradigm Shift? Mind you, shifting your paradigm is never an easy task. Because you will change entirely everything about you. From how you think, your attitude, behavior, and actions as you go on with your life.


However, it is not impossible to shift one’s paradigm. According to Bob Proctor, one of the people who studied the Paradigm Shift for 61 years and counting.


Paradigm is a multitude of habits fixed in our subconscious mind that we act on without any conscious thought. And it’s our actions that produce our results.
– Bob Proctor


He also stated that…


Paradigm is a part of the conditioning of the mind, our conditioning thought patterns.- Bob Proctor

As we can see based on the statements of Bob Proctor, Paradigm is our programmed behavior, which is taught to us by our parents, or even in school. So if these ideas are taught to us by our parents and teachers why do we need to change/shift them?


That is because not everything that was taught to us applies to every person. What works for them might not work for you, but maybe it will work for me with no guarantee. Hence, if you keep on doing the way your mind is programmed, and since it doesn’t work for you, you will always keep on failing and you will only see the same results “Failure“, “Struggle“, “Depressed“. 


What happens when you shift your paradigm?

Now if you shift your paradigm, you will go and create a different course which only you can believe and achieve the results that you are rooting for. Because they will not see or understand it entirely since they only see is your previous norm (Unshifted Paradigm), not your new norm (Shifted Paradigm).


In most cases, people who went through Paradigm Shift are those people who experienced a devastating event in their lifePeople who lost their jobspeople whose dreams/goals in life got shatteredpeople went into depression


These people who entered this phase in their life will now assess everything that happened. And how they will be able to make a radical change in their life. And by using those worse experiences as their fuel, they will be able to shift their paradigm completely as they move on towards a different path


Just focused on their goals, and their behavior and way of thinking will be extremely solidified. as they drop all their past experiences and will now create a new one, pursuing a different future and different outcome.



Tips on shifting your Paradigm


  • Focus on your goals in life, not your current problems
  • Do not focus on the problems at hand, instead, look ahead and find a solution
  • Do the things that make you happy, do not focus on monetary matters it will soon come after
  • Change your ways, do something different, as it will produce a different result
  • Practice your mind to focus on what is positive around you not the negative things around you
  • Write up your current routine, and write another list of positive approaches contradicting your current routine. For example, if you sleep late and wake up late just hitting snooze. Change that into waking up early, being productive by doing something new, and learn new things.
  • Think of happy things that you are blessed with, and keep on remembering them. Drop the things that make you sad and depressed and just focus on the positive side of life. 
  • Change the idea that is fixed in your mind. Program your mind and be a better version of yourself.


Check out these Ebooks on Self-Improvement




How does Paradigm Shift help you succeed?


According to Dr. Paul Jenkins, there are two types of Paradigm, is the Victim Side or what he called the Paradigm of Blame, these are the people who are always “It’s not my fault, it’s theirs“. Dr. Jenkins added this is the paradigm of people who blame their government, blaming the economy, blaming the society or the institution.


On the other hand, the contradiction of the Paradigm of Blame is called the Paradigm of Agent, These are the paradigm of people who take responsibility and respond to something. Instead of blaming others or themselves. Watch the full video.


Video Credit to Dr. Jenkins’s YouTube

Now we understand the two paradigms, let’s discuss how the Paradigm Shift will help you succeed in life. Once you were able to shift your paradigm from blame to agent. You will see things differently. 


Because you will just pass through any negative things that will come in front of you. Since you are driven to achieve your goals rather than sulking on those problems.


This is what Dr. Jenkins and Bob proctor’s idea is all about. We are programmed to focus on the problems in front of us. This was taught in school, by answering the exams and if you didn’t pass the exam you are failed. That is a problem. Because of that idea, that if we do not fix the problem at hand we are in big trouble. The problem in that is you are now just focusing on the problem instead of finding the solution to solve that specific problem.

Programming our minds when we were still young


Unintentionally, We are programmed by our education and parents and even the environment that we are currently in to have a limited view on things and limited thinking on how life should work and how it should be. We cannot blame them because that is how it was taught to them, it is a system that is passed from one generation to the next generation.

If you try to assess and understand what I mentioned in the first part of this article, I mentioned that the things that were programmed into our subconsciousness might work from the previous generation but there is no guarantee that it will work for you or me, or everyone else.


Now, if it worked for you then it’s great! But if it doesn’t that is the time you should shift your paradigm, because you will not be able to live your life to the fullest. Waking up every morning questioning yourself “Am I doing the right thing for myself?


Now going back to problem-sulking and solution-seeking. If you try to see it from another perspective, rather than focusing on the problem you find a solution instead. Will that be able to solve your problems immediately? Not immediately, but yes it will solve your problems. Because you prioritize finding a solution over struggling with the problem. You are seeking to find the answer by exploring and testing new things that might be the answer to your problem after all.



What should other people do if someone related to is undergoing a “Paradigm Shift”?


People around a person who is undergoing a paradigm shift will not understand it at first. Because that person is shifting the ideas, behavior, and perception of things. This means people around him/her will not be able to see what that person is seeing unless they shift their paradigm as well.


To further elaborate, we can think of a paradigm as a lens that a person is wearing. In this small drawing below, you will see that Person A is now starting to shift its paradigm, on the other hand, Person B is still doing and seeing its usual paradigm.


paradigm shift 2

Based on that drawing, as you can see Person A perception is much wider and limitless. But Person B has a limited view and only sees what in front rather than having a much wider view of things.


That being said, people around the person who is shifting paradigm should respect that person’s new perception of things. We cannot say that person’s ideas are wrong because we cannot judge them unless we shift our paradigm in line with his/her paradigm. Therefore, respect and learn from that person and who knows you might shift your paradigm as well to see a better future to bring excellent results in your life.


How to determine your current Paradigm?

According to Bob Proctor, the best way to shift your paradigm is to determine first your current paradigm and look at your current results. 


To do that, you need to take some moments and assess your life.

And the results that you currently getting and picture your life then consider the following questions:


  • Does your day start with purpose and gratitude before you do your daily activities?
  • Are you able to move through your day with laser focus or are you easily get distracted resulting in you unable to finish anything?
  • How much money you have ever made in a year or in your life?
  • Are you living a life that you really want to live? If not, then why not? What is missing and what you need to improve?


Answering these interconnecting questions will help you narrow in and understand fully what your current paradigm is.

And then now you must identify the things that are controlling the results you are currently getting in your life.


Now, if you’re not happy with your results, and you’d like to do better.

You can do something about it, and better start shifting your paradigm.




Shifting your paradigm is not easy, I am telling you right now.

As I am also currently in the process of shifting my paradigm too.

However, even though it is not easy, based on the data that we researched and many books claimed that Paradigm Shift will bring an excellent result to your life.

As successful people also shifted their paradigm and it helped them succeed and achieve their goals in life.


However, after a month of implementing my new paradigm, I can say that the results are fruitful.

And I believed that someday will make me achieve my goals in life.


Therefore, this is a proven analogy and idea that we should be doing-especially.

If we want to change the usual results that we are getting. This is a process that will take years as you apply it however the results will come to you immediately.


Start your Paradigm Shift early as now you will see different results that will change the course of your life.

And you will be able to enjoy what life has to offer.


Want to learn more about Paradigm Shift? Check out Bob Proctor’s Program on Paradigm Shift by clicking this link.


Want to learn more about Paradigm Shift? Check out our recommendations on Amazon Ebooks.


Carlo David
Author: Carlo David

KG Collections is an online store on Facebook, Established on April 15, 2020. Primarily, We started selling Pre-loved goods which eventually expanded to sell brand new apparel through reselling.Now, KG Collections is a franchisee of Siomai King, Mangbok's, And other food products. We are also a franchisee and operator of the newest delivery platform called TokTok PH.Aside from franchise and reselling business. KG Collections also participates in multiple affiliate marketing programs, content creation, and online course teaching.KG Collections is managed directly by the owners Kathlene Garcia & Carlo David, the couple's goal is to build a business community for small business owners where they can attain new knowledge and be inspired with their businesses.The organization will also launch its online course programs to help the public learn new things, which the courses will be prepared by professionals who have excellent skillsets to share and teach the enrollees.-KG Collections

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